Important Dates
August 11th - @ 6pm 2016-2017 Orientation in VMS Cafe
August 17th - 6th graders pick up schedule from 3-6pm
August 18th - 7th & 8th graders pick up schedule from 3-6pm
August 22nd: First Day Back to School
August 27th - @7am Golf Tournament at Calusa Lakes
September 15th - @6pm VMS Open House & Meet the Teacher Night
August 11th - @ 6pm 2016-2017 Orientation in VMS Cafe
August 17th - 6th graders pick up schedule from 3-6pm
August 18th - 7th & 8th graders pick up schedule from 3-6pm
August 22nd: First Day Back to School
August 27th - @7am Golf Tournament at Calusa Lakes
September 15th - @6pm VMS Open House & Meet the Teacher Night